FATIGUE DOESN’T FLY: Support Rest & Fatigue Regulations for Cabin Crew

Cabin crew members are the backbone of aviation safety. Yet, despite their crucial role, they are denied the same rest and fatigue regulations that protect pilots. It’s time to change that. Across the Commonwealth, from Sierra Leone to Bangladesh and the United Kingdom, Flight Time Limitations (FTLs) are in place to safeguard cabin crew. These […]

July 16, 2024

Stop union busting at Garuda Airlines

Ask the President of Indonesia to stop the union busting at Garuda, the country’s flag carrier airline! Sing the petition here>> Garuda Indonesia, Indonesia’s flag carrier, is trying to destroy the oldest union at the company, SEKARGA, which represents thousands of administrative workers in the company’s offices. The attacks began in November 2023 when Garuda […]

July 15, 2024

ITF urges solidarity as BALPA members prepare for strike action at Bristow Helicopters

The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) is issuing a call for solidarity as members of the British Airline Pilots Association (BALPA) prepare for imminent strike action at Bristow Helicopters. Amidst a protracted dispute over fair pay settlement, ITF stands in support of BALPA’s efforts to secure just compensation for its members. BALPA, representing both pilots […]

February 22, 2024

ITF and ETF stand ready to defend the rights of striking aviation and logistics workers in Germany

The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) defend the rights of striking aviation workers in Germany today (20 February) and support Ver.di’s calls for immediate and meaningful engagement on a new collective bargaining agreement, restoring wage cuts made during the Covid pandemic.  Ver.di called the strike due to management’s […]

February 20, 2024

Delta Air Lines urged to stop union busting campaign bu US Congress

146 members of the US Congress have written to the CEO of Delta Air Lines urging them to stop union busting activities and commit to negotiating in good faith if their employees choose to form a union.  Delta employees announced a coordinated campaign to organise in November 2022 amongst flight attendants, fleet service workers, and technicians, […]

February 15, 2024

Victory for illegally sacked airport workers in Indonesia

The trade union Gebuk has secured a major victory for its members after the airline catering company Aerofood Catering Services Indonesia committed to pay compensation to the workers it illegally terminated during the Covid-19 pandemic. Gebuk, a member of the ITF-affiliated Federation of Indonesian Airport Workers’ Unions (FSPI), is a union of outsourced airline catering […]

February 10, 2024

Germany’s airport security staff to ground flights in nationwide protests (reuters.com)

Security staff at some of Germany’s biggest airports, including the global hub Frankfurt, walked off the job on Thursday, grounding flights and piling pain on Europe’s largest economy. The 24-hour strike, called by labour union Verdi, is the latest in a series of industrial actions that has paralysed the country’s transportation sector in recent weeks. […]

February 1, 2024

ITF representatives contribute to global aviation safety at IFATSEA’s 51st General Assembly

The 51st General Assembly of the International Federation of Air Traffic Safety Electronics Associations (IFATSEA) saw active involvement from representatives of the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF). The event, which took place in South America for the first time, was hosted by the ITF-affiliated Association of Air Traffic Technicians and Employees for the Protection and […]

November 20, 2023