On April 15, the Department of Transportation (DOT) tentatively approved a Norwegian Airline’s request for a foreign air carrier permit to allow it to operate flights to the United States. Here’s the catch: That airline, Norwegian Air International (NAI), is registered in Ireland and will employ flight crews under Singaporean or Thai employment contracts and […]
April 29, 2016
As ver.di members strike at Cologne Bonn Airport today, their colleagues in the Independent Pilots Association (UPS pilots) are supporting them in the most concrete way possible: They’re refusing to cross the picket lines. IPA president Robert Travis vowed: We will honor their strike and not cross the ver.di picket lines.”. Read the statement and […]
April 27, 2016
The announcement by President of FIFA that it will establish an oversight body to monitor working conditions on World Cup stadium sites in Qatar shows that FIFA is beginning to take responsibility for those whose work is essential to the holding of the 2022 event. The announcement on FIFA’s website says “…The hosting of the […]
April 25, 2016
Despite massive opposition both from the United States and Europe, the US Department of Transport (DOT) issued last Friday an order that would tentatively grant Norwegian Air International (NAI) a foreign air carrier permit, unless disapproved by the President of the United States. The international Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and the European Transport Workers’ Federation […]
April 21, 2016
Edward Wytkind, president of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), issues this statement in response to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s ill-advised order regarding Norwegian Air International’s application for a foreign air carrier permit: “We are strongly opposed to today’s show cause order issued by the U.S. Department of Transportation that could pave the way […]
April 18, 2016
A cabin crew union will stage a sit-in protest in Hong Kong airport on Sunday to protest the handling of an incident involving the younger daughter of Chief Executive Leung chun-ying. The action is intended to call out Norman Lo, director general of aviation, for his “irresponsible attitude” toward the controversy, the Hong Kong Economic […]
April 16, 2016
A delegation from the ITF attended the ICAO’s Fatigue Management Approaches in Aviation Symposium held on 5-6 April 2016 in Montréal, Canada. ICAO has developed guidance material for regulators, airlines, and ANSPs (air navigation service providers). This material can be found at here>> During the course of the symposium, the ITF met with Stephen Creamer […]
April 12, 2016
Panama, a small nation of just three million, has the largest shipping fleet in the world, greater than those of the US and China combined. Aliyya Swaby investigates how this tiny Central American country came to rule the waves. (…) Cheaper foreign labour Most merchant ships flying Panama’s flag belong to foreign owners wishing to […]
April 11, 2016