Flight attendant union thanks scientists for identifying job-related cancer risks (afacwa.org)

The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA President Sara Nelson released the following statement on new research from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health that found U.S. Flight Attendants have a higher prevalence of every cancer they studied, especially breast cancer, melanoma, and non-melanoma skin cancer: “Flight Attendant health risks including radiation exposure, disruption to sleep […]

June 27, 2018

Press lunch invitation: Ryanair crew summit

In two weeks, Ryanair cabin crew from across Europe and North Africa will come together in Dublin to voice their grievances and formulate a charter of demands. If these demands are not met, the company risks a summer of industrial action. You are invited to attend a press lunch on 4 July to hear from […]

June 25, 2018

‘Keeping our cool under pressure’ – Air France Inter-Union Committee Letter to KLM Unions

  Recently, a number of our ITF affiliates as part of the Air France Inter-Union Committee sent a letter to their cousins in KLM in relation to the unions’ ongoing dispute with the airline. While the relationship between the two airlines has strained in recent months, solidarity amongst the unions and the ITF affiliates remains […]

June 22, 2018

The new EASA basic regulation is an important step in the right direction

The European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF), representing over 350,000 workers across the whole aviation industry in Europe, welcomes yesterdays’ European Parliament Plenary vote on the new European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Basic Regulation as an important step in the right direction. Some of ETF’s long-standing claims – such as the inclusion of ground handling into […]

June 14, 2018

ITF and ETF applaud landmark victory for Unite

ITF general secretary Stephen Cotton responds to Unite’s announcement that it has won recognition from Ryanair to represent UK cabin crew: “I would like to congratulate Unite on winning this historic recognition deal with Ryanair. For the first time, around 650 Ryanair cabin crew directly employed in the UK will have a union fighting their […]

Garneau calls out airline Qatar Airways CEO for saying women can’t do his job (Financial Post)

  OTTAWA — Canada’s transport minister is calling out the newly installed chairman of a global airline association [IATA] for saying that his job as head of Qatar Airways would be too difficult for a woman to perform. Read the full article here>>

June 11, 2018

ITF and ETF condemn Ryanair’s divisive tactics with Italian cabin crew

Ryanair’s decision to recognise only two Italian unions representing cabin crew has been rejected as divisive by the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF). On Wednesday, 6 June, Ryanair announced that it had signed a recognition deal with two unions, ANPAC and ANPAV. This move effectively excludes three other Italian […]

June 8, 2018

Ryanair cabin crew to produce a charter of workers’ demands

Ryanair cabin crew will next month meet to produce a workers’ charter, outlining essential criteria that the company must meet in order to make good on its claim to respect workers’ rights. Under the banner of Cabin Crew United, workers from across Europe and North Africa will come together at a summit in Dublin on […]