IAM members at Philippine Airlines unanimously vote for contract (IAMAW)

IAM members at Philippine Airlines this week voted unanimously to ratify a tentative agreement with the airline. The contract, which was signed yesterday in San Francisco, creates wage increases for IAM members from 2016 through 2019, and retro payments back to July 2016. Other highlights of the new agreement include a signing bonus for all […]

October 27, 2016

Hundreds of US-based cabin crew face loss of welfare benefits as Cathay Pacific halts payments (scmp.com)

Hong Kong airline says that as a non-American company it is not eligible to make the contributions to social security and health insurance programmes Cathay Pacific faces unrest and deep discontent among its US-employed cabin crew after halting contributions to their social security and health insurance “medicare” programmes. As a result more than 400 people […]

October 26, 2016

World union meeting unites against TiSA and CETA

Global trade union leaders meeting in Panama have united in condemnation of TiSA (the Trade in Services Agreement and CETA (the Comprehensive Economic & Trade Agreement). The representatives, who were attending a key ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) meeting, highlighted the risks that both trade agreements pose to jobs and job security. The two-day event […]

October 24, 2016

End poverty wages, TWU urges Qantas (twu.com.au)

Employees working for Qantas are unable to pay bills, take out bank loans or support their families because of forced part time hours and poor conditions, the Transport Workers’ Union has said. As the Qantas annual general meeting takes place today [Friday, 21 October 2016] the union is urging the airline to stop the race […]

ITF and ETF say stop TISA

ITF and ETF are blasting the EU for exporting transport privatisation & deregulation As new secret documents are leaked, see https://wikileaks.org/tisa/ the International Transport Workers’ Federation and the European Transport Workers’ Federation have joined other global union organisations in blasting the EU for pushing other governments to privatise and deregulate as part of negotiations for […]

October 17, 2016

Joint EI, PSI, EPSU, UNI, IUF & ITF press release: Time to stop the talks – TiSA negotiations must be brought to a halt

Newly released Wikileaks documents make it clear that the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) is no more than a corporate power grab and that negotiations must be stopped. The documents can be seen at https://wikileaks.org/tisa The wide scope of the deregulatory agenda and attack on democratic governance has been exposed. The EU is attempting to […]

October 14, 2016

Swissport unions in Africa resolve to strengthen union network

Union representatives from the African civil aviation affiliates of the ITF discussed the common issues they face at Swissport, a major multinational ground handling company, headquartered in Switzerland. The company is a major player in the sector. It employs more than 61,000 worldwide and operates in 48 countries. The global ground handling sector is highly […]

October 12, 2016

ETF Solidarity statement with TUIfly workers

The ETF and all of its affiliates are following the recent developments in German aviation with great concern. On behalf of 270,000 aviation workers the ETF represents all over Europe, we would like to express our support to ver.di members and aviation workers in Germany and tell them that they are not alone in their […]

October 7, 2016