All Norwegian pilots organized in the Norwegian Airline Pilots Association and Parat, support the pilots in Norwegian in their fight for permanent employment. If necessary, they are willing to make use of the means at their disposal in order to ensure acceptable working conditions and to prevent social dumping in aviation.
April 27, 2012
A joint initiative involving the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF), the ITF’s European arm, has led to improvements in social protection for aircrew across the European Union (EU).
The plenary of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, Fr…
April 26, 2012
The sacking of more than 300 striking airport workers in Kenya for refusing to return to work has caused outrage and anger among unionists and is now the subject of court action.
The workers employed by the state-owned Kenya Airports Authority (KAA), r…
April 18, 2012
The sacking of more than 300 striking airport workers in Kenya for refusing to return to work has caused outrage and anger among unionists and is now the subject of court action.
The workers employed by the state-owned Kenya Airports Authority (KAA), r…
THE International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) is standing by its earlier statement regarding what it says is the illegality of government’s seizure of control over Air Pacific.
In a correspondence with The Fiji Times, ITF civil aviation secretary Gabriel Mocho said the top brass in government were “toying with a valuable asset to bolster their political position”.
April 16, 2012
The British Airline Pilots’ Association (BALPA) has appeared to blame the Government for job losses at bmi.
BA admitted yesterday that up to 1,200 of bmi’s 2,700 staff could be made redundant following its merger with bmi, but said it was safeguarding 1,500 which would otherwise have been lost if the loss-making airline had been forced to close.
Both BALPA and Unite the Union, which represents bmi cabin crew and ground staff, appeared saddened but not surprised by news.
April 13, 2012
The presidential campaign of Mexico’s ruling party candidate Josefina Vazquez Mota is off to a rocky start after a union protest forced the cancellation of one political rally and attendees streamed out of another this weekend.
April 12, 2012
With San Miguel Corp. (SMC) taking over management control of flag carrier Philippine Airlines (PAL), the former is set to implement a number of changes aimed at putting the long-suffering airline back on its feet.
SMC president Ramon Ang has confirmed in a text message to The STAR that he is taking over as president of PAL. Business taipan Lucio Tan will remain as chairman of PAL.
April 11, 2012