Last year, a small and brave group of flight attendants approached the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA-CWA) with a goal to become union members with rights to collective bargaining with their employer
February 24, 2012
Unions in Turkey are joining forces in a bid to see off a notorious piece of draft legislation, which, if passed, threatens to erode Labour rights.
Across Turkey, unions have launched a concerted campaign under the auspices of the Trade Union Unity Pla…
February 22, 2012
…But there’s another point of difference, one that interests me most, and that’s the way in which each airline chooses to represent women. The differences are stark.
February 19, 2012
Unions around the world are being urged to support aviation workers in Ecuador who have been dismissed by an airline in what is regarded as an anti-union attack.
Some 80 workers – among them 55 cabin crew staff – were dismissed on 25 January by Aer…
February 17, 2012
TWU, CWA to focus on bargaining, organizing campaigns at airlines
Union officials are determined to stop forced redundancies as it’s revealed Thomson Airways is looking to cut more than 600 jobs.
February 15, 2012
Budget airline Ryanair has been rapped by a watchdog for a sexist advertising campaign after thousands complained it objectified women and undermined cabin crew’s safety role.
The ITF is urging affiliates to act in solidarity with dismissed aviation workers and their families. More than 80 workers, including 49 union members and two union leaders, have been dismissed by LAN Ecuador. The ITF LATAM network is standing in solidarity in what is regarded as an anti-union attack on the fledgling union representing the workers – Sindicato de Trabajadores de Aerolane, SITA.
February 13, 2012