No to social dumping in Norwegian aviation
April 27, 2012
The coalition of all unions in SAS Norway has issued the following press release in support of pilots in Norwegian in their fight for permanent employment:
All Norwegian pilots organized in the Norwegian Airline Pilots Association and Parat, support the pilots in Norwegian in their fight for permanent employment. If necessary, they are willing to make use of the means at their disposal in order to ensure acceptable working conditions and to prevent social dumping in aviation.
Norwegian Airline Pilots Association and Parat have joined forces in order to support the pilots in Norwegian who are currently fighting for the right to regulated and decent working conditions through permanent employment. Norwegian Airline Pilots Association and Parat organize all the pilots in Norway.
-The pilots in Norwegian do not stand alone. In reality their fight concerns all pilots. The Norwegian Airline Pilots Association is ready to fight for permanent employment and regulated working conditions along with our colleagues in Norwegian. We are currently considering the choice of means necessary in order for us to reach our common goal, states Aleksander Wasland, President of the Norwegian Airline Pilots Association. He will not exclude the possibility of sympathy actions.
Halvor Vatnar, the Parat representative for the pilots in Norwegian, is very grateful for the support from other pilots and their union.
-The support from all pilots in Norway demonstrates the importance of safe, predictable og regulated working conditions. We cannot accept that all future recruitment will be through the services of foreign temporary employment agencies and not by offering permanent employment. Permanent employment is the basis for the majority of employees in order to be able to raise a family, buy a home and to secure a future, says Halvor Vatnar.
The coalition of all unions in SAS Norway supports the fight for permanent employment and we appeal to all unions globally to support the Norwegian Airline Pilots Association.
Aleksander Wasland, President of Norwegian Airline Pilots Association
Christian Langvatn, Vice-President Norwegian Airline Pilots Association
In solidarity
Elisabeth Goffeng
President of the coalition of unions in SAS Norway (AFS/Norge)