Today on World Aids Day the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) is urging stakeholders across the transport sector not to lose focus of HIV prevention during the Covid-19 pandemic and let slip the hard-won progress achieved thus far. The theme of World Aids Day 2021 is “End inequalities. End AIDS.”, with a special focus on […]
December 1, 2021
ITF-affiliated civil aviation unions in Francophone Africa came together in Senegal on 20 and 21 January, to develop their skills in tackling HIV/AIDS. Twenty-six workers from 11 nations, including 10 women workers, attended the seminar. It was the first time that workers from Niger, Mauritania and Congo Brazzaville have taken part in an ITF HIV/AIDS […]
January 30, 2014
The latest (no: 129) edition of the ITF’s bi-monthly HIV/AIDS update, is now available on-line. The May-June 2013 edition contains a report from the cruise ship seminar in Bali, Indonesia; a report on the Africa regional HIV seminar recently held in Lilongwe, Malawi; publication of 7th issue of Agenda, the ITF’s annual magazine; promotion of […]
July 18, 2013
HIV/AIDS and Civil Aviation – A Resource Pack for Unions is now available in French, Spanish and Arabic. Hard copies of the pack can be send to you on request and can also be downloaded from here. The resource pack was first unveiled in English to representatives of worldwide aviation unions meeting at the ITF […]
May 30, 2013