ITF’s HIV/AIDS update: May-June 2013 issue out now
July 18, 2013
The latest (no: 129) edition of the ITF’s bi-monthly HIV/AIDS update, is now available on-line. The May-June 2013 edition contains a report from the cruise ship seminar in Bali, Indonesia; a report on the Africa regional HIV seminar recently held in Lilongwe, Malawi; publication of 7th issue of Agenda, the ITF’s annual magazine; promotion of HIV/AIDS and civil aviation: the ITF resource pack for trade unions which is now available in 4 languages; a report on the organising seminar organised by USAFIRI; a report from Colombia and Zambia where ITF affiliates signed CBAs with HIV/AIDS related clauses; the HIV/AIDS education activity organised by SIREMAH in Honduras. The bulletin also highlights a seminar organised by the ITF coordination committee in Panama to develop work place HIV programme.
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Tags: AIDS, aviation, cba, CIVIL AVIATION, HIV