Our Indonesian sisters and brothers need your urgent support
August 24, 2020
“Stop Widodo’s Omnibus Bill and protect Indonesian workers and their families!”
Trade unions in Indonesia, including our civil aviation affiliate Ikatan Awak Kabin Garuda Indonesia (IKAGI), are deeply concerned that a new draft law on “job creation” will be rushed through the parliament, and will severely undermine workers’ rights.
According to the information we have received from our Indonesian sisters and brothers, the government recently introduced an “Omnibus Bill on Job Creation” which will reduce wages, remove entitlements, lead to further labour flexibility and erode workers’ rights in the country. They also emphasise that the draft law will harm the environment.
Indonesian unions and their rank-and-file members believe that In its current form, the draft law is in contravention of the ILO Convention no. 98 on the Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining, Convention no 100 on Equal Remuneration, and Convention no. 144 on Tripartite Consultation, which have been ratified by the government of Indonesia.
On the other hand, the government of President Joko Widodo is claiming that this draft legislation, revises 79 existing laws in order to allow greater foreign direct investment, support economic growth and create job opportunities for Indonesians.
Before introducing the so-call “job creation” law, Widodo’s government has already embarked upon a series of pro-business policies, including tax breaks for the wealthy and international investors, privatisation of water supplies, further undermining of environmental regulations and tighter limitations on the state’s anti-corruption body. Now the government is taking advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic to further its attacks workers and their unions.
Thousands of Indonesians have been protesting against this draft law for more than a week now and they are asking for support and solidarity from the global trade union movement.
Please sign the petition from here to show your support for their struggle.
And please also encourage fellow union members and friends to support this online campaign.
Tags: COVID-19, IKAGI, Ikatan Awak Kabin Garuda Indonesia, Indonesia, Omnibus Bill, solidarity