ITF representatives contribute to global aviation safety at IFATSEA’s 51st General Assembly
November 20, 2023
The 51st General Assembly of the International Federation of Air Traffic Safety Electronics Associations (IFATSEA) saw active involvement from representatives of the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF). The event, which took place in South America for the first time, was hosted by the ITF-affiliated Association of Air Traffic Technicians and Employees for the Protection and Safety of Air Navigation (ATEPSA) in Buenos Aires from 12 to 17 November 2023.
Bringing together 130 participants from over 80 countries, the Assembly aimed to foster discussions and initiatives for enhancing the safety of air navigation services and improving the working conditions of aviation professionals.
The ITF delegation, comprising Edgar Diaz (Regional Secretary), Gabriel Mocho Rodriguez (Secretary of the ITF Civil Aviation Section), Edgardo Llano (ITF Civil Aviation Section Chair) and Ruben Fernandez (Regional Vice President of Civil Aviation), played a vital role in the proceedings.
Emphasizing the crucial collaboration between international professional organizations and aviation unions, Edgar Diaz underscored the significance of ensuring the safety of air navigation services. He expressed optimism about the positive impact of the assembly’s outcomes on ITF members and extended gratitude to ATEPSA and their members for hosting the event.
Gabriel Mocho Rodriguez stressed the strategic importance of aviation workers, particularly in the context of the pandemic. He highlighted the ITF’s commitment to addressing issues of just transition and climate change within the industry, which have gained renewed attention. Rodriguez praised IFATSEA’s meeting and ATEPSA’s GS Paola Barrita and her team for the co-organizational efforts, acknowledging the challenges and emphasizing the imperative to attract new generations to the aviation industry.
The collaborative efforts of ITF representatives at the IFATSEA General Assembly reflect a proactive stance in tackling contemporary challenges within the global civil aviation industry.
Tags: ATEPSA, ATSEPs, General Assembly, IFATSEA, solidarity