ETF’s solidarity statement with Swissport workers at Brussels Airport
May 15, 2013
The ETF strongly supports the strike, organised by all Belgian unions defending the Swissport ground handling workers at Zaventem airport, which started on Sunday 12 May 2013.
This strike is the result of loss of jobs, increase of work pressure, bad working conditions and no respect of the collective agreements and a complete lack of communication from the management of Swissport.
The Belgian unions, which are members of the ETF, request:
- job stability – respect of the existing collective agreements
- correct payment of the wages
- stop to non-negotiated flexibility
- stop circumventing the law applicable for the permanent contracts
The unions didn’t want to involve the passengers in this dispute.
Therefore, the ETF urges the management of Swissport to establish a proper and constructive social dialogue with all the unions in order to find a balanced and solid solution to these issues.
If a solution is not found at Brussels Airport, the ETF will inform its affiliates all over Europe about the anti-social practices of Swissport.
Tags: ETF, ground handling, solidarity, strike, Swissport