Agreements in principle (

After more than four years of bargaining, the TWU-IAM Association is proud to announce we have reached Agreements in Principle with American Airlines for five new joint collective bargaining agreements (JCBAs) worth $4.2 billion, covering more than 30,000 Mechanic & Related, Fleet Service, Maintenance Control, MLS/Stores and Maintenance Training Specialist members. The Association negotiating committees […]

February 1, 2020

Ryanair’s winter of discontent (

  The budget airline’s first strike is a battle for our times. By Chris Bryant Ryanair Holdings Plc’s winter of discontent is coming. Unhappy with their working conditions and the budget airline’s refusal to recognize collective bargaining, pilots are set to strike for the first time in Europe in the run-up to Christmas. A reckoning […]

December 15, 2017

Three Russian pilots have been freed from jail

In January 2014, at the request of the Confederation of Labour of Russia (KTR) and the pilots union at Aeroflot, the LabourStart launched an online campaign demanding the release of jailed union leaders Alexei Shlyapnokov, Valeriy Pimoshenko and Sergei Knyshov, and the ITF Civil Aviation Section supported this campaign. As part of this campaign over […]

September 15, 2015

Collective agreement victory ends Icelandair dispute

Icelandair pilots have voted overwhelmingly for an agreement negotiated with the company by their union, the Icelandic Airline Pilots Association (FIA), which brings to an end a bitter dispute. The FIA reported that 81 percent of the 278 pilots who took part in the ballot voted, with over 81 percent voting in favour of the […]

January 19, 2015

Russia:Union leaders arrested at Aeroflot (

While the trade union ShPLS, representing pilots of thee biggest Russian airline AEROFLOT, is in the midst of bitter fighting for a collective bargaining agreement (CBA), three of its leaders were arrested on 18 and 20 October 2013 as a result of a provocation. Alexei Shlyapnokov, Valeriy Pimoshenko and Sergei Knyshov now can be sentenced […]

January 23, 2014