Reminder: press conference Thursday, second day of aviation justice events
May 27, 2016
Airports United, a new international network of trade unions representing workers in the aviation and airport industries, will hold a launch press conference on Thursday 2 June to coincide with the IATA (International Air Transport Association) AGM in Dublin, Ireland. You are invited to attend.
The press conference will take place at 11:30 on 2 June in the Ailesbury Room of the Clayton Hotel Ballsbridge, Merrion Rd, Dublin 4 (, just minutes from the AGM.
The press conference will be hosted by Siptu (Services Industrial Professional and Technical Union). Please confirm attendance by emailing and
The press conference will follow the launch on 1 June of a new report that shows that, although the global airline industry is expected to make record profits of USD36.3 billion this year, airlines have created a race to the bottom, putting airport workers, safety and the quality of services under pressure. Also on 1 June workers in over 30 airports worldwide will display banners and leaflet fellow workers and/or passengers.
You will receive full details of all events, plus a copy of the report, in a press release on 31 May. You can also follow the events on 1 and 2 June on Twitter via the hashtag #AirportWorkers and at the dedicated Flickr site
Airports United brings together aviation workers’ unions from Australia, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, and the USA. The unions that make up the membership of Airports United are the: FNV, SEIU, Swedish Transport Workers’ Union, TWU, UNITE HERE, and ver.di. Airports United is supported by the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and Uni Global Union.
Tags: Airports United, FNV, International Air Transport Association, press conference, SEIU, Swedish Transport Workers’ Union, TWU, Uni Global Union, UNITE HERE, ver.di