Press Invitation: Social partners join forces to combat flags of convenience in European skies
July 8, 2014
Flags of Inconvenience
Job losses, market distortion, declining labour standards, social dumping, unfair competition… All are just collateral damage from the emerging development in civil aviation to seek to fly under a “Flag of Convenience”. The same phenomenon that destroyed the maritime industry decades ago has now arisen in civil aviation.
European Social Partners from all sides of the aviation industry have signed a Joint Declaration urging the newly elected European Parliamentarians and the EU Commission to wake up to the dangers of allowing flights and operations under the cloak offered by FoCs.
The press briefing will look deeper at the “flags of convenience” phenomenon in Europe and illustrate the perils of flying under such a shady system. Expert speakers from the aviation industry will touch upon the solutions proposed by the official EU sector-wide body – the Civil Aviation Social Dialogue Committee – in a Joint Declaration, signed in June.
DATE: Friday 11 July 2014
TIME: 11 – 12h
VENUE: RESIDENCE PALACE – International Press Centre
155, rue de la Loi, 1040 Brussels – Belgium
Emmanuel Jahan, Chairman Social Dialogue Committee for Civil Aviation
Jon Horne, Vice-Chairman Social Dialogue Committee for Civil Aviation
François Ballestero, European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF)
A PRESS KIT, consisting of a press release, the Joint Declaration and a video, will be made available for the press briefing.
To REGISTER, please send an email to and feel free to submit your questions via mail or on Twitter @eu_cockpit. Our experts will be happy to provide thorough background information for you!
We now have a choice in Europe – do nothing and watch how our aviation industry sinks beneath our feet, or we demand that European Institutions support European social rights and values for all EU citizens.
View original text here >>
Tags: European Social Partners, flags of convenience, social dialogue, Social dumping, Unfair competition