More comments from the ITF affiliates on the Asiana crash flight

July 15, 2013

Jo-Ann Davidson, Secretary of the Flight Attendants’ Association of Australia (FAAA) stated: “The FAAA commends Asiana Airlines On-Board Manager, Lee Yoon-hye and her cabin crew. Their actions reflect the true essence of all cabin crew as safety professionals.” (See the Facebook page link of the FAAA)

In this video, the Transport Workers Union (TWU) flight attendant at Southwest explains how flight attendants evacuate passengers: Click here to watch the video.

Southwest Airlines flight attendant Sam Wilkins talked to KCRA 3’s Gulstan Dart about her reaction to Saturday’s plane crash in San Francisco, and how so many passengers were evacuated so quickly. She said: “Flight attendants are there for safety. They are trained for the moment no one ever wants to experience, the moment passengers on Asiana Airlines experienced last week at San Francisco International Airport, the moment when safety is all that matters.”

Like our affiliates the FAAA and the TWU, the ITF Civil Aviation Section believes that this incident once again demonstrates the importance of all aviation workers as safety professionals. Airlines and other aviation companies should stop practices causing a sharp decline in employee confidence in their management and overall morale. Aviation workers shouldn’t be used as the primary shock absorbers for managing the business cycle and external shocks. Instead of being seen as cost items they must be regarded first and fore most as assets to their companies.

Also see: Asiana Airlines flight 214 tragedy

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