ITF urges Argentinian ANSP to act over victimised air traffic controllers

October 25, 2018

ITF civil aviation section Gabriel Mocho Rodriguez wrote to Argentinian air navigation service provider Aerial Navigation Enterprise’s (EANA) CEO Gabriel Giannotti on 22 October from Singapore, calling for intervention by him to stop the victimisation of air traffic controllers.

Mocho Rodriguez urged Giannotti to intervene urgently to stop any further intimidation of Argentinian air traffic controllers who were appointed to a different control tower without their prior consent. He also asked Giannotti to instruct the management of the company to enter into meaningful dialogue with the ITF affiliated ATEPSA (the Asociación de Técnicos y Empleados de Protección y Seguridad a la Aeronavegación) without delay.

ATEPSA informed the ITF about the incident during the ITF’s 44th Congress closed on 20 October in Singapore. The union is fighting not only for its victimised activists but also to create an environment free from discrimination, victimisation, harassment or bullying at the country’s control towers.

The ITF and its aviation affiliates in the Congress, particularly the ATS unions that organise ATCOs will be following developments in this dispute closely and they hope for an acceptable resolution soon.

EANA is a branch of the Argentinian Transport Ministry created in 2015.

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