Human Rights Issues Continue as Freight Forwarding and Logistics Groups Extend Links (

November 17, 2015

Qatar Still Targeted by International Unions Despite Improvements

QATAR – Once more we hear of controversy regarding logistics groups working in, and with, countries which have a dubious record when it comes to human rights. The situation in Myanmar was graphically described in a piece earlier this year and the name of Qatar constantly surfaces on news bulletins with regard to human rights just as more international freight forwarding groups intensify operations in the country.

In a month when the WACO freight management system, a network of independent cargo companies, declared Qatar Airways as a preferred carrier, the Arab Trade Union Confederation (ATUC) which represents union federations across the Arab and Middle Eastern region, announced its support for the ongoing protests against the airline as part of a global union campaign for workers’ rights. Under the new agreement WACO members have been nominated as preferred forwarders by Qatar Airways in a new collaboration which aims to develop long-term business synergies between the two organisations.

After what it describes as repeated attacks on trade union rights by the Government of Qatar the ATUC has backed the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and the campaigns by union federations such as the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), BWI (building and woodworking) and IUF (farming and hotel workers) in their various sectoral campaigns in Qatar for better workers’ rights in the country.

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