Transport workers and their unions are showing up at COP: We demand climate action and decent work

The COP26 Summit is underway in Glasgow and trade unionists and activists are in the thick of the proceedings.  This week is our opportunity to drive home the message that climate justice cannot exist without labour justice. To amplify the needs of workers, transport workers and union leaders from all sectors are sharing their views […]

November 5, 2021

UK, Germany, Switzerland, and EU prolonging supply chain misery by opposing vaccine waiver, global transport unions tell governments

Over 375 trade unions, representing over 12 million transport workers from 118 countries around the world submit letter to heads of governments Letter submitted on the first day of the WTO’s TRIPS Council meeting in Geneva Steve Cotton, ITF General Secretary, commented “these politicians seem hell bent on socio-economic self-harm to further line the pockets […]

October 14, 2021

Global unions ramp up pressure on governments and corporations to isolate Myanmar military junta

Global Unions Joint Statement Ten Global Unions representing more than 200 million workers from across the world call on unions globally to ramp up pressure on governments and corporations to target the commercial interests of the Myanmar military junta. We urge trade unions and workers around the world to organise, unite and stand with the […]

February 9, 2021

ITF calls for the immediate release of 53 activists arrested in Hong Kong

The International Transport Workers’ Federation demands the immediate release of 53 activists arrested this morning in Hong Kong under the National Security Law for allegedly “subverting state power” by holding primaries for pro-democracy candidates in the postponed Hong Kong elections. Among those detained is Carol Ng, Chair of the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions. […]

January 6, 2021

New labour laws a historic breakthrough for migrant workers in Qatar

New laws announced and adopted by the Government of Qatar represent a historic leap in the protection of migrant workers’ rights in the Gulf State. These new laws together with the removal of the exit permit system earlier this year effectively eliminates the kafala system of modern slavery. The latest labour reforms which include the […]

September 4, 2020

Our Indonesian sisters and brothers need your urgent support

“Stop Widodo’s Omnibus Bill and protect Indonesian workers and their families!” Trade unions in Indonesia, including our civil aviation affiliate Ikatan Awak Kabin Garuda Indonesia (IKAGI), are deeply concerned that a new draft law on “job creation” will be rushed through the parliament, and will severely undermine workers’ rights. According to the information we have […]

August 24, 2020

Some aviations companies latch onto the Covid-19 crisis to escalate their attack on the labour force

Since the beginning of theCovid-19 crisis, the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) has been working flat out with its affiliates, employers, governments and relevant international institutions to protect the rights of its affiliates and transport workers globally. The ITF and its aviation affiliates have identified several strategic responses to the crisis, including: • immediate action […]

August 20, 2020

The ITF stands in solidarity with the workers and people of Beirut

It is with shock and despair that we have received the news of the explosion at the Port of Beirut that has devastated the city, killed at least 100 people, injured thousands and rendered hundreds of thousands more homeless. We at the ITF send our deepest condolences and solidarity to the people of Lebanon. We […]

August 6, 2020