1,465 jobs saved through tripartite social dialogue at Air Italy
September 9, 2020
On 3 September 2020, after a 12-hour long meeting between trade unions, Air Italy management, the Lombardy and Sardinia Regions and the heads of the ministries of Labour, Economic Development and Transport, the parties agreed on a scheme that would save 1,465 jobs at Air Italy.
Almost seven months after Air Italy went into liquidation on 11 February 2020, the agreement secures back payment and severance payment as well as income security over the next ten months for Air Italy workers.
Moreover, local governments of the Lombardy and Sardinia agreed to implement a series of active policies to retain the workers of the airline.
Earlier in August, when the plan was announced, Salvatore Pellecchia, general secretary of the ITF affiliated Fit-CISL said: “We welcome the announcement made by the Minister of Labour concerning the redundancy fund for the Air Italy workers. Securing these funds was the priority of the trade unions representing Air Italy workers. Now we need to work hard to ensure that these workers have a decent job in the future. Of course, regional governments should also play their part.”
This week, the national secretary of ITF affiliated Filt CGIL, Fabrizio Cuscito told the Italian media that the agreement was reached “thanks to the extreme commitment and tenacity of the trade unions. This was a hard task since the company liquidation process is in progress. With the contribution of the Ministry of Labour and the Regions of Sardinia and Lombardy, all remuneration rights will be guaranteed, certified professionalism will be maintained, and the requalification programs will be launched in a short time.”
The general and national secretaries of Uiltrasporti, Claudio Tarlazzi and Ivan Viglietti stressed that the agreement was only the beginning. “The competent ministries, together with the Lombardy and Sardinia Regions and the trade unions, must continue and increase the work to build a solid industrial perspective for all the workers involved, representing 1,465 families who demand and deserve to live of work and not of social benefits,” they added.
The ITF Civil Aviation Secretary Gabriel Mocho Rodriguez said: “With this agreement social dialogue has proved irreplaceable as a tool of balanced crisis management. I congratulate all stakeholders for this very positive outcome. And we are always ready to support our Italian sisters and brothers in the future if they feel the need. Once again, we witness that challenging times offer the tripartite partners an opportunity to improve cooperation through social dialogue and to openly address all problems facing workers and employers, as well as society in general.”
Tags: Air Italy, FILT CGIL, Fit-CISL, social dialogue, social protection, Uiltrasporti