New Look and ITF join forces to protect transport supply chain workers via human rights due diligence

New Look and ITF begin joint work to empower transport workers to organise and be protected from labour rights abuses.  Leading UK apparel brand, New Look, and global trade union federation, the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), are now working together to ensure that transport workers’ human and labour rights are protected in New Look’s […]

August 28, 2024

Qatar signs new agreement with ITF on transport worker rights

The Ministry of Labour of Qatar today signed a new memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the ITF and, with worker-management committees, it takes another leap forward in rights for transport workers. The MoU between Qatar and the ITF builds on a previous agreement as part of an International Labour Organisation (ILO) technical project. It outlines […]

March 3, 2022

ITF/ETF: Ryanair business model must reform now

The ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) and ETF (European Transport Workers’ Federation) today warned that Ryanair’s business model of outsourcing and the rejection of staff requests for better conditions and union representation is putting the airline’s future in doubt. The ITF revealed that, following the defeat for Ryanair/Crewlink at the European Court of Justice last […]

September 25, 2017

TWU protests employee abuses at Qatar Airways as flights to Sydney begin (

The Transport Workers’ Union has held a protest at Sydney airport over Qatar Airways’ abuse of employees as the airline began its first flights to Sydney. Activists leafleted the public with information on Qatar Airway’s treatment of its employees, including sacking workers for minor offences and keeping them under constant surveillance. The first flights are […]

March 3, 2016

An hour with ‘His Excellency’, the controversial Qatar Airways CEO (

Qatar Airways chief executive Akbar Al Baker knows how to make an entrance. Arriving 30 minutes late to a press conference celebrating the launch of the carrier’s first services between Doha and Sydney on Thursday, he is introduced to the waiting media crowd as “His Excellency”. “I know that my airline is always creating a […]

TWU demands government stamp out employee abuses as first Qatar flights to Sydney begin (

The Transport Workers’ Union is demanding that the Government ensures all airlines operating in Australia abide by labour and human rights standards as the first Qatar Airways flights to Sydney begin. The call comes as aviation employees and union activists at Sydney airport leafleted the public with information on Qatar Airway’s treatment of its employees, […]

March 1, 2016

ITF and ITUC present Qatar Airways case to ILO

Global union organisations the ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) and the ITUC (International Trade Union Confederation) today submitted a case against the state of Qatar to the ILO (International Labour Organization) in Geneva. The case – delivered this morning to the United Nations organisation – accuses Qatar of allowing its state-owned airline, Qatar Airways, to […]

June 5, 2014

Send an e-protest to Qatar Airways

Fired – for getting pregnant? Need permission – to get married? Under constant surveillance – in your own home? If you think this is wrong – then join us, and tell Qatar Airways to improve conditions for its women workers. Sign the petition here>> We’ll be in touch soon with our final way for you […]

February 27, 2014