Vote on Flight Time Limitations by EU Parliament next week

Pilots and cabin crew ask for rejection After a firm rejection in the EU Parliament Transport Committee, the flawed EU Commission proposal for Flight Time rules for pilots and cabin crew will be put to a vote at the next EP Plenary meeting. On 9 October mid-day, a vote by all Parliament Members in Strasbourg […]

October 4, 2013

Breakthrough for aviation safety: EU Parliament rejects flawed flight time rules

European pilots and cabin crew welcome today’s (30 September 2013) decision of the EU Parliament Transport Committee to reject the Commission proposal for new flight time rules in Europe. With a large majority of 21 to 13 votes, the EP Members voted for the rejection of the proposal which contains several significant safety loopholes. The vote […]

October 1, 2013

Joint ECA-ETF statement on Flight Time Limitations

Harmonisation of safety standards at EU level is an important aim in an industry that is by nature transnational. ETF and ECA are in favour of harmonized standards on FTL. But Europe’s citizens expect harmonization at the highest safety level, based on best practices and on scientific evidence. Not harmonization that forces countries to lower […]

September 30, 2013

Disruption in the Sky: EU Commission pushing for new flight rules

The safety of millions of European air passengers will be subject to a decisive vote in the European Parliament (EP), in one week’s time (30 Sept.). At stake are new rules for EU-wide Flight Time Limitations (FTL) for pilots and cabin crew, which the EP Transport Committee will decide upon. The new rules, proposed by […]

September 23, 2013

Ryanair loses in Norwegian court (

Flight attendant Allesandra Cocca has claimed she was wrongly dismissed from her job while stationed at Ryanair’s Norwegian based at the Rygge Airport south of Moss. Cocca revealed details of what it’s like to work for Ryanair – how new employees start off in debt to the airline because they’ve had to pay for their […]

August 22, 2013

European Action Day calls European Commission to stop dogmatic liberalisation of ATM industry

Stop jeopardizing jobs in European sky Today, Wednesday 12 June 2013, the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) and its national affiliates express their disagreement with the new package on the Single European Sky (SES), called SES2+, adopted yesterday by the European Commission. ATM (Air Traffic Management) workers are taking different types of actions (strikes, gatherings, […]

June 12, 2013

Air traffic controller strike hits French airports (BBC News)

Half of flights serving France’s big cities have been cancelled, as air-traffic controllers begin a three-day strike to protest against EU plans to create a single European airspace. The controllers say the Single European Sky (SES) project will affect public safety and their working conditions. Walk-outs are expected to spread across Europe on Wednesday. France’s […]

June 11, 2013