On 2 August 2013, just before the start of the German football season, Inge Höger, a German politician who represents the state of North Rhine-Westphalia in the German parliament Bundestag and Andrej Hunko, a German MP of the Left party for Aachen, sent a joint letter to the president of Borussia Dortmund, asking him to […]
August 5, 2013
ITF-affiliated union ACV/CSC TRANSCOM declared strike action may go ahead if Belgian airport privatisation ignores workers’ demands. When French company Egis takes over Ostend and Antwerp airports at the beginning of 2014, over 200 airport workers stand to lose out directly. Privatisation will have an indirect affect on over 2300 workers, the Belgian National Bank […]
August 2, 2013
Unions in Luxembourg finally reached an agreement with management last week in a long-running dispute around collective working agreements for aviation workers.
The ITF and ETF-affiliated Confederation of Independent Trade Unions of Luxembourg (OGBL) and the ETF-affiliated Luxembourg Confederation of Christian Trade Unions (LCGB) have been involved in a dispute with Cargolux and Luxair since last autumn, when the majority state-owned companies sold shares at a loss to Qatari investors.
August 1, 2013