Women’s day centenary must inspire us, says Cockroft
March 8, 2011
As transport workers celebrate one hundred years of international women’s day tomorrow, 8 March 2011, unions need women more than ever, says ITF general secretary David Cockroft.
“Working people – women and men together, really can change the world. We have seen inspiring evidence of this in the Arab World in recent weeks. For those in other countries facing huge cuts in public services, which affect women and young people more than anyone else, there is a lesson to learn. We need everyone in this fight for a better future – and especially we need strong women”
Under the banner ‘Your union, your future’ ITF affiliates from around the world are showing their strength by campaigning, holding awareness-raising events and attending rallies.
Women in the Democratic Republic of Congo from the ITF’s Centrale des Travailleurs du Transport et Communication are lobbying the government for decent work and equal opportunities, for example. In India, ITF affiliates are organising rallies and seminars. In Jordan, ITF affiliates will hold a workshop about women’s role socially, in the workplace and in society. In Canada the National Automobile, Aerospace Transportation and General Workers’ Union (CAW) will be working with their local women’s committee to communicate the benefits of union membership to women in the transport sector.
For more information on the 100th anniversary of international women’s day, and to tell us about your union’s activities for international women’s day, go to www.itfglobal.org/campaigns/campaigns-3216.cfm